Education & Training



Format: Online

Language: English

7-9 June, 2022

Hours: 24

EQF level: 5

Host institution: Mercantec

We will look at concepts like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning, create models for solving problems of type Regression and Classification. The focus is mostly on Deep Learning, where subject like layers, Activation Functions, Learning Rate are used.

You will create models for Machine Learning in the following environments: Excel, Sumulator, Phyton.

IMPORTANT: This prototype programme is EXCLUSIVE FOR partners of the ASSETs+ consortium and associated stakeholders. If you want to join the ASSETs+ Stakeholders Group and become part of our ecosystem, please, click here.

This programme is focussed on:

  • Professionals working in Defence and AeroSpace Industry (up-skilling and re-skilling activities) and
  • University Licence students


June 7th – 8.00 AM
June 8th – 8.00 AM
June 9th – 8.00 AM
June 10th – 8.00 AM

What is machine learning (2h)


Create ML models in simulation software – Windows (6h)


Create models in Keras/Tensorflow in Python (6h)


Data preparation with Python + exam (6h)


Machine learning models in Excel (4)